This way you can determine the bending moment, bending angle and bending energy. Furthermore, it’s possible to identify the stage of damage caused by decay as well as the nature of its effects.
The corresponding Fractometer table makes possible a quick determination and comparison of the wood quality. This way, you can evaluate the stability and wood characteristics of a tree. The given values are only standard values. The tree must always be seen as a whole.
Application areas
- Measurement of the bending strength of wood cores
- Evaluation of decayed wood by determination stiffness and fractures strength
- Detection of decay and lignin destruction
- Brown rot is indicated by small bending angles and low fracture strength
- At early stages of decay lignin destruction is indicated by large bending angles and a rather normal fracture strength (some types of whit rot)
Delivery contents (standard)
- Fractometer I
- Leather pouch
- Instructions Manual